quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

US$ 156 Milhões para um Novo VLCC Quebra Recorde na Coréia do Sul

Os gregos estão encomendando 3 VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carrier) a esse preço. Saiba mais em: http://www.seatradeasia-online.com/News/2568.html .

Terminal APM Relata Evoluções no Brasil, Vietnã e Marrocos

APM Terminals reports on developments in Brazil, Vietnam and Morocco - "APM Terminals has assumed management and operational control of the container facility at the Port of Pecémin in northeastern Brazil; construction has begun on APM’s JV terminal in Southern Vietnam; and APM Terminals Tangier takes delivery of its last three super-post-Panamax cranes.(4/30/2008) APM Terminals has assumed operational and management responsibility for Ceará Terminal Operator (CTO) the stevedoring and container terminal operating company at the Port of Pecém, in Northern Brazil. The Port of Pecém is the closest Brazilian port to the US, the Caribbean and Europe, with transit times as short as six days to both the Ports of New York and Algeciras. Established as a consortium at Pecém five years ago, CTO is majority-owned by APM Terminals, with Unilink Transportes Integrados of Brazil holding a minority stake. Overall container throughput for the facility is projected at 100,000 TEU per year. Construction has begun on the new 1.1 million TEU capacity Cai Mep International Terminal (CMIT) that serves the Southern Vietnam region, and brings the country’s primary shipping centre into APM Terminals’ global terminal network Located in the Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, southeast of Ho Chi Minh City, the new terminal will be one hour’s sailing time from the main ocean shipping lane. The facility is expected to open in late-2010. CMIT was established in January 2007 as a joint venture between the state-owned Saigon Port, Vietnam National Shipping Line (Vinalines) and APM Terminals...". Fonte: Eyefortransport.


Curso de 03 (três) dias, 11 a 13 de junho de 2008, quarta a sexta-feira, de 08:00 às 12:00 e 13:30 às 17:30 horas. Veja detalhes desse curso, muito interessante, do IBP, que eu já fiz, em: http://www.ibp.org.br/main.asp?View=%7BBB3C9A8B%2D6CED%2D45B1%2D8B7A%2D10AD93ACE293%7D&Team=&params=itemID=%7BE46A6C4B%2DB508%2D4DAF%2D9D26%2DCCE20832016E%7D%3B&UIPartUID=%7B9E6F2C57%2D0FFF%2D4243%2D9FBF%2DCC8EB1C2F90F%7D .

terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008

Nações Unidas Discutem Resolução para Combater Piratas

França e Estados Unidos, com apoio de Reino Unido e Panamá, propõem a discussão. Saiba mais em Ibtimes: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/20080428/introduces-resolution-fight-pirates.htm .

Antártida e as Mudanças Climáticas

Vírus EV71 Mata 19 na China e Preocupa Autoridades Chinesas Quanto às Olimpíadas

Saiba mais na matéria da Agência Estado, em BemParaná: http://www.bemparana.com.br/index.php?n=66061&t=aparecimento-do-ev71-mata-19-criancas-e-deixa-centenas-doentes-na-china . O vírus já havia atacado em 1998, matando 78 pessoas em Taiwan. Foto:medicine.com.my.

Consultoria III - Óleo Lubrificante

PROJETO DE ORGANISMO INTERNACIONAL PNUD – BRA/00/020 CONTRATA CONSULTOR: 01 (uma) vaga Atividades: Propor, ministrar e monitorar os resultados de 12 (doze) minicursos, com 4 (quatro) horas de duração, em 9 (nove) Estados da Federação, tendo como público alvo trabalhadores de estabelecimento de trocas de óleo lubrificante automotivo sobre o seguinte tema: minimização do resíduo, inclusive reciclagem, tratamento e disposição final. Requisitos Exigidos: Nível superior em química ou engenharia química, com experiência mínima de 5 (cinco) anos, com resíduos perigosos e/ou óleo lubrificante automotivo usado. Preferencialmente com experiência na realização de cursos de tecnologias limpas. Tipo de Contrato: PRODUTO Duração do Contrato: 10 (dez) meses Local de Trabalho: Nacional. Informações complementares: fone (061) 3317 1147 O candidato deverá enviar o seu Currículo até o dia 13/05/2008 (data limite para postagem) para a Caixa Postal Nº: 08503 - CEP: 70312-970 - Brasília,DF – O CANDIDATO DEVERÁ OBRIGATORIAMENTE INFORMAR NA CAPA DO ENVELOPE O CÓDIGO: ÓLEO LUBRIFICANTE.

Consultoria II - Fluído de Corte

PROJETO DE ORGANISMO INTERNACIONAL PNUD – BRA/00/020 CONTRATA CONSULTOR: 01 (uma) vaga Atividades: Propor, ministrar e monitorar os resultados de 12 (doze) minicursos, com 4 (quatro) horas de duração, em 9 (nove) Estados da Federação, tendo como público alvo trabalhadores da indústria metal mecânica sobre o seguinte tema: minimização dos resíduos de fluído de usinagem, inclusive reciclagem, tratamento e disposição final. Requisitos Exigidos: Nível superior em química ou engenharia química, com experiência mínima de 5 (cinco) anos, com resíduos perigosos e/ou fluído de corte de máquina. Preferencialmente com experiência na realização de cursos de tecnologias limpas. Tipo de Contrato: PRODUTO Duração do Contrato: 10 (dez) meses Local de Trabalho: Nacional. Informações complementares: fone (061) 3317 1147 O candidato deverá enviar o seu Currículo até o dia 13/05/2008 (data limite para postagem) para a Caixa Postal Nº: 08503 - CEP: 70312-970 - Brasília,DF – O CANDIDATO DEVERÁ OBRIGATORIAMENTE INFORMAR NA CAPA DO ENVELOPE O CÓDIGO: FLUÍDO DE CORTE.

Consultoria I - Decapagem Ácida

PROJETO DE ORGANISMO INTERNACIONAL PNUD – BRA/00/020 CONTRATA CONSULTOR: 01 (uma) vaga Atividades: Propor, ministrar e monitorar os resultados de 12 (doze) minicursos, com 4 (quatro) horas de duração, em 9 (nove) Estados da Federação, tendo como público alvo trabalhadores da indústria de galvanoplastia sobre o seguinte tema: minimização do resíduo gerado na decapagem ácida, inclusive reciclagem, tratamento e disposição final. Requisitos Exigidos: Nível superior em química ou engenharia química, com experiência mínima de 5 (cinco) anos, com resíduos perigosos e/ou tratamento de superfície – etapa de decapagem ácida. Preferencialmente com experiência na realização de cursos de tecnologias limpas. Tipo de Contrato: PRODUTO Duração do Contrato: 10 (dez) meses Local de Trabalho: Nacional. Informações complementares: fone (061) 3317 1147 O candidato deverá enviar o seu Currículo até o dia 13/05/2008 (data limite para postagem) para a Caixa Postal Nº: 08503 - CEP: 70312-970 - Brasília,DF – O CANDIDATO DEVERÁ OBRIGATORIAMENTE INFORMAR NA CAPA DO ENVELOPE O CÓDIGO: DECAPAGEM ÁCIDA.

segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2008

Lula Gigante é Descongelada Na Nova Zelândia

É para fazer estudos científicos pelo Museu da Nova Zelândia - TE PAPA TONGAREWA. Veja mais fotos e detalhes em: http://blog.tepapa.govt.nz/category/colossal-squid/ . Foto disponível no site da notícia.

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Como BRICs Mudaram o Mundo

Leia essa matéria imperdível, por Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar, TNN, para Economic Times: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Opinion/Swaminathan_S_Anklesaria_Aiyar_How_BRICs_have_changed_the_world/rssarticleshow/2973926.cms . O contexto brasileiro é bastante comentado.

Biocombustíveis Podem Representar Bunker Mais Barato

Por Nick Jameson. Ver em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71459 . As portas estão abertas para aplicação dos biocombustíveis como comustíveis de navios.

sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008

Novo Anexo VI da MARPOL Pode Não Ser Suficiente Para a Califórnia

Os novos padrões estabelecidos pela IMO podem não ser suficientes para que se evite regulações unilaterais de controle de emissão de navios em áreas portuárias dos Estados Unidos. Leia mais sobre o assunto em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71480

"Direitos, Não Armas para Zimbabwe"

"Dockworkers in South Africa have blocked a Chinese arms boat from reaching Zimbabwe... but the crackdown continues. As the ship moves up the Southern African coast looking for a new port -- and China weighs whether to recall the weapons--African unions, citizen groups, and church organisations are launching a campaign to stop arms from fuelling the Zimbabwe crisis". Saiba mais sobre essa questão em: http://www.avaaz.org/en/no_arms_for_zimbabwe/7.php/?cl=79686846 . Foto do navio disponível no site da notícia.

Conama Aprova Norma sobre Poluição por Óleo em Águas Jurisdicionais Brasileiras

24/04/2008 Daniela Mendes para o Ministério do Meio Ambiente:
"O Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA) aprovou, nesta quinta-feira (24/04), durante sua 51ª reunião extraordinária, em Fortaleza, resolução que trata do conteúdo mínimo do Plano de Emergência Individual para incidentes de poluição por óleo ou substâncias nocivas que tenham impacto sobre o meio ambiente em águas sob jurisdição nacional. A resolução atinge portos, instalações portuárias, terminais, dutos, sondas terrestres, plataformas e suas instalações de apoio, refinarias, estaleiros, marinas, clubes náuticos, entre outros". Muita gente feliz pela aprovação da revisão da Resolução CONAMA 293/2001. Muita gente que trabalhou na primeira Resolução (Alvaro Sousa, Luis Molle, eu - coordenador) e nesta nova Resolução (Alessandra Toledo-coordenadora, Helder Ferreira, Denise Pinho). O Comandante Gilberto Huet também deve estar muito feliz; bem sabemos sobre o esforço que foi para mantermos a nova versão do Conteúdo Mínimo do Plano de Emergência Indivividual o mais próximo possível do consensado no Grupo de Trabalho. A última reunião da Câmara Técnica foi uma "briga de foice". Alessandra e eu esgrimando de um lado, como zagueirões, defendendo os resultados do GT e o Gilberto funcionando como ponta-de-lança na representação como Conselheiro/Representante do Ministério da Defesa. Estamos todos de parabéns, bem como todos os outros que colaboraram para o resultado obtido, uns desde o início e uns chegando ao final. Parabéns.

BW Offshore Awarded Letter Of Intent For Tupi FPSO With Petrobras

O campo de Tupi está em alta. Segundo contrato FPSO com a Petrobras e o primeiro em águas brasileiras para a BW Offshore. Saiba mais em: http://www.abnnewswire.net/press/en/50806/BW.html .

quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2008

Conheça a Nova Página da Capitania dos Portos do Rio de Janeiro

Muito boa a renovação: https://www.mar.mil.br/cprj/ . Colaboração G.H.

Catálogo Sustentável

GVCes - Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade "Prezados, é com muita felicidade que o programa de Consumo Sustentável do Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da Fundação Getulio Vargas (GVces) anuncia a chegada de mais uma ferramenta por nós elaborada e essencial para dar poder aos cidadãos e aos consumidores institucionais preocupados com a pegada ecológica e social de seus hábitos de consumo. É o Catálogo de Produtos e Serviços Sustentáveis. Essa ferramenta será de grande utilidade para empresas e governos que pretendem implementar políticas de compras e contratações sustentáveis. Reúne centenas de produtos e traz, além da descrição de cada um deles e seus fornecedores, suas características ambientais. Além de estimular maior responsabilidade das instituições no uso de seu poder de compra, o catálogo ajuda os consumidores e a sociedade a repensarem seus padrões de consumo - exercício fundamental diante do ritmo com que a humanidade impacta os recursos naturais.Convidamos a todos a acessar o link http://www.catalogosustentavel.com.br e avaliar as alternativas disponíveis no mercado". Divulgando.

Piratas Atacam Navio-Tanque Japonês no Yemen

Saiba mais sobre o ataque ao navio "Takayama" (150.000 T) em: http://www.arabia.msn.com/channels/msnnews/article.aspx?CatID=1&ID=478262&S=Read .

Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences

Rio de Janeiro, de 25-29 de agosto, 2008. "O objetivo do Simpósio é destacar os desenvolvimentos e aplicações do SIG e análises espaciais, facilitar o intercâmbio de ideias e informações, sugerir melhorias, técnicas e aplicações do SIG e análises espaciais na Pesca e Ciências Aquáticas". Saiba mais em: http://www.laquasig.bio.br/brgishome.htm .

Protection Offshore: A Relação da Indústria do Petróleo e Gás com a Sociedade e o Meio Ambiente

O evento PROTECTION OFFSHORE 2008, será realizado de 25 a 27 de junho no Centro de Exposições Roberto Marinho em Macaé - Rio de Janeiro. Se intere mais em: http://www.protectionoffshore.com.br/ .

II Seminário e Workshop em Engenharia Oceânica - SEMENGO´08

"Prezado(a) Senhor(a) Temos o prazer de convida-los para participar do III Seminário e Workshop em Engenharia Oceânica - SEMENGO´08, que será realizado nos dias 5 a 7 de novembro de 2008. No seminário teremos palestrantes e conferencistas de renome nacional e internacional. No workshop será discutido o Futuro da Engenharia Oceânica no Brasil. Para tal estão sendo convidados como debatedores dirigentes máximos do CNPq, CAPES, SECIRM, CONFEA, ANTAq e do MMA". Divulgando.

ANVISA Divulga Resultado de Monitoramento de Agrotóxicos em Alimentos

Como sabido, a principal atenção está em tomates, morangos e alfaces. Saiba mais em: http://www.anvisa.gov.br/divulga/noticias/2008/230408.htm .

Conheça a Página da N.E.I. Treatment System - Água de Lastro

É sobre tratamento de água de lastro em navios: http://www.nei-marine.com/index.htm . Conheça os resultados dos seus testes.

quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2008

Mudança Climática Pode Levar o Mundo à Guerra

Siaba mais sobre essa interessante matéria, escrita por Charles Clover, Editor de Meio Ambiente do Telegraph, em: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/04/23/eaclimate123.xml&CMP=ILC-mostviewedbox . Tem gente que acha que é como uma 3a. Guerra Mundial.

São Jorge: Um Verdadeiro Santo Inglês - 23 de Abril de 2008

Foto: Telegraph (UK). Mural: Carpaccio, de Venezia, Italia, disponível na matéria do Telegraph.

Dia Mundial da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

"Temos a honra de convidar V. Sª. para participar da Missa Solene alusiva ao Dia 28 de abril (segunda-feira) - Dia Mundial da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, às 12:15 horas, na Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília, localizada na Esplanada dos Ministérios, Brasília-DF. Na certeza de que podemos contar com sua honrosa presença, antecipamos nos agradecimentos. Peço aos colegas que, se possível, ajudem na divulgação".

Uma Planta que Nasce em Áreas Contaminadas Pode Ajudar a Recuperá-las

terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008

Conama no Ceará: Caatinga, Clima e Plano de Emergência

Por Ângela Freitas, Brasília: http://www.mma.gov.br/port/conama/noticias.cfm?cod_noticia=41 .

Contag Questiona Implantação do Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico no Rio de Janeiro

Veja mais em: http://www.stf.gov.br/portal/cms/verNoticiaDetalhe.asp?idConteudo=87440&tip=UN .


Objetivo: "Capacitar os participantes nos aspectos básicos de Toxicologia Ocupacional e Toxicologia Ambiental, com vistas à prevenção da exposição a agentes químicos e da poluição química". 02 (dois) dias, 05 e 06 de junho de 2008, quinta e sexta-feira, 08:00 às 12:00 e de 13:30 às 17:30 horas. Ver mais em: http://www.ibp.org.br/main.asp?View=%7BBB3C9A8B%2D6CED%2D45B1%2D8B7A%2D10AD93ACE293%7D&Team=&params=itemID=%7BEDE782C3%2D27F8%2D4509%2D8877%2D2FE6032B72CD%7D%3B&UIPartUID=%7B9E6F2C57%2D0FFF%2D4243%2D9FBF%2DCC8EB1C2F90F%7D .

Saiba sobre o Incidente com o Navio MSC Napoli

IMO Volta para Casa & Água de Lastro - Lloyd´s List

IMO back home after major refurbishment - By David Osler THE International Maritime Organization yesterday returned to its permanent headquarters on London’s Albert Embankment, following a 20-month exile while the building underwent a major refit. News in brief: IMO nod for Hamann - By Katrin Berkenkopf THE SEDNA ballast water treatment system of German component maker Hamann has received final approval from the International Maritime Organization for its active substance.

Mantido Cancelamento de Créditos de ICMS da Texaco

Saiba mais em: http://www.stf.gov.br/portal/cms/verNoticiaDetalhe.asp?idConteudo=87333&tip=UN .

Supremo Confirma Decisão que Suspendeu Privilégios Tributários à Refinaria de Manguinhos

Veja mais em: http://www.stf.gov.br/portal/cms/verNoticiaDetalhe.asp?idConteudo=87310&tip=UN .

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Debate sobre os Depoimentos Ocorridos em 18/04/2008 - O Caso Isabella Nardoni

Muito interesse o debate ocorrido no dia de Hoje (19/04/08), no em Cima da Hora (15:00 h) da GloboNews, entre o advogado criminalista Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes (SP) e o Procurador de Justiça Marcos André Chut - MP/RJ acerca dos depoimentos do Pai e da Madrasta da menina Isabella Nardoni. Merece ser assistido por quem se interessar e não viu. Recomendo para se ter noções de diferentes abordagens, práticas e técnicas de defesa.

sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008

O Ferry Riverdance Continua a ser Estudado Visando Desmanche

E o ferry continua lá emborcado lá na praia de Blackpool, Lancarshire... Saiba mais sobre essa notícia da BBC em: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lancashire/7347331.stm . Foto: PA.

Preparem-se: Barril de Petróleo a US$ 125

Leia mais sobre essa reportagem de Reuters em: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080417.wpickens0417/BNStory/energy/?page=rss&id=RTGAM.20080417.wpickens0417 .

Pirataria Aumenta 20% no Primeiro Trimestre de 2008

Imagem: amplamente disponível na Internet.

Cobertura PPG (Antiincrustante) Está para ser Aprovada no Padrão de Desempenho IMO

PPG Coatings to be Approved Under IMO PSPC Wednesday, April 16, 2008 "PPG Industries’ protective and marine coatings (PMC) business announced that SigmaPrime 700 and SigmaPrime 700 LT coatings by PPG will be applied to a vessel being built in Korea for Chandris Hellas that will be the first built in full compliance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) ballast tank coatings regulation titled Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC).SigmaPrime 700 and SigmaPrime 700 LT coatings have received Lloyd’s Register type approval certificates in accordance with the IMO PSPC. The standard calls for shipyards, coatings manufacturers, ship owners and classification societies to ensure that protective coating systems in dedicated sea water ballast tanks are specified, qualified, applied and inspected throughout the ship's construction". Fonte: MarineLink.

Bifenol A é Uma Substância Perigosa, Diz Ottawa

Leia mais sobre a matéria de Canadian Press e Associated Press em: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080418.wbisphenol0418/BNStory/National/home . Foto disponível no site da matéria.

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008

Nigéria a Nova Capital da Pirataria do Mundo

Veja matéria da CNN e veja vídeos em: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/04/16/pirate.attacks.ap/index.html?section=cnn_latest . Imagem da Bandeira Pirata disponível no site: http://www.valhallaspirates.com/ .

Precisam-se de 4.000 Marítimos Especializados em Viagens no Gêlo

Leia mais sobre essa interessante notícia escrita por Godfrey Bivbere para o Vanduard Online em: http://www.vanguardngr.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6723&Itemid=49 . O País que não vê, além dos impactos ambientais, as oportunidades de negócio com relação às alterações dos espaços marítimos devido às mudanças climáticas e à abertura da passagem Noroeste certamente ficará para trás. Exploro muito esse assunto no livro "Terror e Poder Marítimo".

Norfolk: Ondas da Destruição

Veja matéria de cunho de constatação e de alerta, escrita por Patrick Barkham para the Guardian, em: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/apr/17/flooding.climatechange . Foto: Graeme Robertson. Assunto que merece reflexão à luz de fatos correlacionados ao Atlântico Sudoeste.

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008

Monitoramento do INPE por Satélite Mostra a Qualidade do Ecossistema Marinho na Costa Sudeste

"O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) lançou na Internet, através da Divisão de Satélites e Sistemas Ambientais, uma página (http://satelite.cptec.inpe.br/oceano/) contendo uma série de dados e informações oceânicas sobre a costa da região Sudeste do país. Segundo Milton Kampel, oceanógrafo do INPE e um dos responsáveis pelo projeto, os produtos derivados de dados de satélites ambientais e meteorológicos são atualizados sistematicamente, oferecendo indicadores do que chama de “saúde do oceano”". Leia mais sobre essa nptícia no site do INPE: http://www.inpe.br/noticias/noticia.php?Cod_Noticia=1398 .

Estados Unidos Adiciona Cuba à Lista de Segurança

US adds Cuba to security list - Wednesday, 16 April 2008 - "The Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) has mandated that the United States Coast Guard evaluate the effectiveness of anti-terrorism measures in foreign ports and provides for the imposition of conditions of entry on vessels arriving to the United States from countries that do not maintain effective anti-terrorism measures. Cuba is the most recent country the Coast Guard has determined to be not maintaining effective anti-terrorism measures. The Coast Guard has determined that ports in the following countries are not maintaining effective anti-terrorism measures: - CUBA (Effective 18 April 2008) - CAMEROON (with the exception of the Ebome Marine Terminal, the Quai GETMA (LAMNALCO Base) facility, and the Société Nationale de Raffinage (SONARA)terminal) - EQUATORIAL GUINEA (with the exception of the ports of Ceiba, K-5, Luba, Punta Europa, and Zafiro) - GUINEA-BISSAU - INDONESIA (with the exception of Banjarmasin Port; Belawan Multi-Purpose Terminal; Caltex Oil Terminal Dumai; Jakarta International Container Terminal; Pelindo II Conventional Terminal Jakarta; Pertamina Unit Pengolahan II Dumai; Pertamina Unit Pengolahan V Balikpapan; PT Badak Bontang Natural Gas Liquefaction; PT Indominco Mandiri Bontang [Bontang Coal Terminal]; PT Multimas Nabati Asaha; PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Cabang Dumai; PT Pertamina Unit Pemasaran III Jakarta; PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang; PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya; Semarang International Container Terminal; and Senipah Terminal Total E&P Indonesia Balikpapan) - IRAN (Effective 03 April 2008) - LIBERIA - MAURITANIA (with the exception of the Chinguetti Terminal) - SYRIA All vessels arriving to the United States that visited the countries listed [above] (with exceptions noted) during their last five port calls must take actions 1 through 5 listed below while in the countries listed in paragraph B as a condition of entry into U.S. ports: 1. Implement measures per the ship's security plan equivalent to Security Level 2; 2. Ensure that each access point to the ship is guarded and that the guards have total visibility of the exterior (both landside and waterside) of the vessel. Guards may be: - provided by the ship's crew, however, additional crewmembers should be placed on the ship if necessary to ensure that limits on maximum hours of work are not exceeded and/or minimum hours of rest are met, or- provided by outside security forces approved by the ship's master and Company Security Officer. 3. Attempt to execute a Declaration of Security; 4. Log all security actions in the ship's log; and 5. Report actions taken to the cognizant U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port prior to arrival in the U.S. Vessels that visited the countries listed in paragraph B (with exceptionsnoted) during their last five port calls will be boarded at sea by the Coast Guard to ensure the vessel took the required actions. Failure to properly implement the actions listed [above], will result in denial of entry into the United States. However, vessels that visited Monrovia, Liberia during their last five port calls prior to entering the United States will not normally be boarded at sea by the Coast Guard unless other targeting factors apply, nor will these vessels be required to provide armed security guards while in ports of the United States. While in U.S. ports, all vessels subject to conditions of entry [listed above] are required to ensure that each access point to the ship is guarded by armed security guards and that they have total visibility of the exterior (both landside and waterside) of the vessel. The number and location of the guards must be acceptable to the cognizant U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port. However, the requirement to ensure that each access point to the ship is guarded by armed security guards does not apply to vessels that visited Monrovia, Liberia during their last five port calls prior to entering the United Sates. Vessels arriving from the following countries remain subject to increased port state control targeting, including at sea boardings: - DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO- MADAGASCAR (with the exception of the ports of Diego-Suarez, Majunga, andToamasina) While not required as a condition of entry, if a vessel takes the steps outlined [above], the vessel's security posture will be considered and reflected in the scope, intensity and duration of the Port State Control measures. Taking these steps does not guarantee vessels will not be subject to additional measures". Fonte: U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Advisory, conforme discriminado no site que serviu como base da informação, mas não se conseguiu localizar a notícia no próprio site da Guarda Costeira americana.

Poluição por Bunker Alerta sobre a Necessidade de Desmanchar Ferry

Saiba mais em http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71339: Foto: UK's Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Guarda Costeira Americana Solicita Comentários sobre Impactos Ambientais dos Sistemas de Tratamento de Água de Lastro

Saiba mais sobre o Programa de Avaliação e sobre a solicitação do Governo americano em: http://www.piersystem.com/go/doc/786/197712/ .

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008

Armadilha Caseira para o Mosquito da Dengue

Veja Reportagem do RJTV/Globo em: http://rjtv.globo.com/Jornalismo/RJTV/0,,MUL347258-9101,00.html . Colaboração: K. L.

Combustível Marítimo Pode se Tornar Melhor - Germanischer Lloyd Discute os Resultados do MEPC/IMO

Marine Fuel Will Become Better – GL Customers Discuss MEPC Decisions (15/04/08)
"Shipping should become more environmentally friendly. The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) convened its 57th meeting with this objective. The discussion focussed on the reduction of harmful emissions and ballast water management, as well as the planned convention for environmentally sound ship recycling. At the GL First Class Exchange Forum, Germanischer Lloyd (GL) discussed current developments with more than 60 interested customers. In the introduction, Dr Pierre C. Sames, GL’s Director of Strategic Research and Development, referred to the absolute necessity of holding a dialogue. As a representative of the German flag state, as well as a member of the IACS, the International Association of Classification Societies, Germanischer Lloyd is actively involved in the international decision making process. “We are, however, reliant on your comments and assessments," said Sames. “Together, we have to formulate arguments to assert our national interests.” The central issue of the event was as follows: Did the MEPC meeting produce substantial resolutions, or was it just "hot air"? GL experts gave the answer at the company’s headquarters.Christoph Peickert, Deputy Head of the Stability Department, informed of the current status in the field of ballast water management. “Nobody knows when the convention will go into effect,” said Peickert. Currently, 13 countries have ratified the ballast water convention; however, they only represent 3.6 percent of the world tonnage. Originally the convention was planned to come into force in 2009. In order to ensure the general conditions for it to go into effect, the state of development and the availability of ballast water treatment facilities are being constantly monitored by the IMO. In addition, complementing the body of rules is rated as a priority work goal. Nevertheless, it is likely that the IMO will stick to the original schedule, as well as applying it retroactively. “Be prepared,” was the appeal to customers.The convention on safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships is just about to be adopted. IMO is planning this for October 2008. The ratification process could then begin in mid-2009. Henning Gramann, expert for ship recycling, represented GL in the respective workgroup. Among other things, they discussed the question as to whether ships of countries that have ratified the convention (party states) may wreck in non-member countries (non-party states). Henning Gramann: “The goal is for ships of party states to only dispose of them in other party states." One customer raised the concern that communication with recycling states like Bangladesh or Pakistan is not always easy. Gramann pointed out that many states, also including India, have already put large sections of the convention into national legislations. He seemed optimistic: “The convention will come. The only question is when.”An important step of the MEPC 57 is the revision of Annex VI of the International Marpol Convention, which designates strict limitations to the sulphur content in fuels. As Hans J. Götze, Head of Department Combustion Engines – Environmental, explained in his report, a two-phase plan for reduction of harmful emissions has been agreed: Specifically, the current permissible sulphur content of 4.5 percent is to be reduced to 3.5 percent by 2012 and to 0.5 percent by 2020. In the control areas of the SECA (Sulphur Emission Control Areas), the threshold value is already 1.5 percent. This is to be reduced to 1 percent by 2010 and to 0.1 percent by 2015. “The new regulations will be reviewed once again in 2018 regarding their practicability,” according to Götze. It cannot be determined yet, whether fuel with such low sulphur content will be available in sufficient quantities. In order to further reduce SOx emissions, the introduction of further ECA areas (Emission Control Areas) is planned. The name change of the SECA to ECA areas indicates the clear goal of also limiting other pollutants in these waters. For example, further reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) is also planned for the future.The new Marpol Annex VI will continue to apply to all ships. The revised version will most likely be adopted in the 58th meeting of the MEPC in October, and then most likely go into effect worldwide in February 2010. Götze: “Prompt implementation is important in order to avoid individual regional and national solutions.”This also applies to the provisions for reduction of CO2 emissions. “Not a great deal has happened in this area in the past few years,” reported Pierre C. Sames. Shipping only contributes a minor amount of the worldwide CO2 discharge – however, this shall be controlled, as the political will has it. Pessimistic forecasts predict that CO2 pollution from the world merchant fleet will double by 2050. Therefore, the IMO has been asked to submit a strategy for CO2 reduction by 2009. Sames: “If the IMO doesn’t do it, then the EU will.” No real progress had been made by the 57th MEPC meeting. However, there are interim results: For example, Denmark's recommendation to have an international standard tax for ship’s diesel for the benefit of environmental protection projects in third world countries is to be discussed in more depth. The same applies to the existing operating CO2-index and its possible connection with an emission trading system as well as a binding design CO2-index. “I expect that the binding CO2-index will come,” declared Pierre C. Sames. His recommendation to ship operators is: “Try out the operating CO2-index and tell the IMO about your experience.” However, there isn’t much time left. Up to May 30th, recommendations can be submitted to the responsible working group (Intersessional Working Group, ISWG) via the flag state". Fonte: Germanischer Lloyd .

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008

Pirataria Pode Custar o Certificado ISPS do Porto de Santos

Piracy could cost Santos ISPS certification Robert Ward - Wednesday 9 April 2008. The president of the body responsible for issuing certificates for International Ship and Port Facility Security Code compliance in Brazil has lambasted security arrangements in the country’s key port of Santos following a spate of pirate attacks, writes Robert Ward. Fonte: Lloyd´s List.

Intertanko Elogia IMO Pelos Resultados Alcançados na Revisão do Anexo VI da MARPOL

Depois de muita pedrada prévia, a IMO agora receber os sopros e beijos. Todo mundo é amigo novamente. INTERTANKO Welcomes IMO’s Revisions to MARPOL Annex VI Wednesday, April 09, 2008 "An historic agreement was struck last week when the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC 57) reached agreement on a package of amendments and revisions to MARPOL(*) Annex VI (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) which, subject to formal adoption at MEPC 58 in October 2008, will enter into force through the tacit amendment procedure in February 2010.These measures provide for the wellbeing of our environment, and of those who live and work on ships or near ports. They address regional and global concerns on sulphur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) emissions from both new and existing ships in an integrated manner, and will remove the pressure for regional legislation with its resulting complexities and complications for owners and administrations. They will also bring shipping into line with the rest of the transportation industry.INTERTANKO has welcomed this package and expressed satisfaction that the goals set by INTERTANKO’s Council have been fully achieved - namely that the revisions should:- ensure a solid platform of requirements, - be realistic and feasible,- seek a global, long-term and positive reduction of air emissions from ships,- contribute to a long-term and predictable global regulatory regime.INTERTANKO’s proactive proposals in 2006 struck at the root cause of SOx, NOx and PM emissions, calling for a phased introduction of low sulphur cleaner fuels, and leading to furious debate across the industry. These proposals not only ensured the availability of compliant fuel, but also ensured that ships and crews are not burdened with additional and excessive operational requirements. At the same time they offered ease of monitoring and verification for administrations.Tabled initially to promote discussion during the Annex VI revision process, these proposals became the catalyst which, coupled with wide assessment of the implications and frequently intense and sometimes acrimonious arguments, has finally led to agreement on this package which will result in a significant reduction in harmful emissions from shipping over the coming decade. The original INTERTANKO submission provided a focus that brought about a more radical approach to the revision process and to the need to find global solutions to increasing regional pressures". Fonte: MarineLink.

Wärtsilä Abre Novo Workshop de Serviços em Manaus, Brasil

Veja mais em: http://www.wartsila.com/,en,press,0,,EDE3E38B-9B9C-4336-AC04-B413D1FA9D1F,,,.htm .


De 18 a 20 de maio de 2008, no Rio de Janeiro. Saiba mais em: http://www.ibp.org.br/divulga_evento/ibp_mercosul_2008/progprel_mercosul_2008BR.html .

Schwarzenegger Contra Novas Regras sobre Porto de Entrada nos Estados Unidos

Segundo o Governador da Califórnia, A. Schwarzenegger, as regras iriam arruinar as economias dos Estados. Leia a matéria de Chad Blair para Pacific Business News (Honolulu): http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2008/03/31/daily66.html?surround=lfn . Foto: UN/Marco Castro.

quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

Relatório do I Seminário Nacional de Psicologia das Emergências e dos Desastres

BOLETIM INFORMATIVO Nº 01, Ano: 2008 Brasília, 11 de março de 2008 1º Seminário Nacional: Psicologia das Emergências e dos Desastres. Conheça o interessante Relatório de evento que ocorreu em 2006: http://www.pol.org.br/publicacoes/pdf/cartilha_sn_desastres.pdf .

Bom Dia Brasil: Reportagem sobre Brownfields em São Paulo

Reportargem muito boa e bem editada, fungindo do lugar comum do alarmismo. Estão de parabéns. Veja a matéria da Globo em: http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM813441-7823-AREAS+DE+SOLO+CONTAMINADO+SAO+RECUPERADAS,00.html .

Mais Proteção Marítima para a Antártida: IMO

IMO solicita às Partes propostas para aumentar a proteção marítima à Antártida, tendo em vista os últimos e sucessivos acidentes ocorridos na região. Veja mais no site da BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7334816.stm .
Foto: M/S Explorer (AP).

Estado Atual do Entendimento sobre a Efetividade da Troca da Água de Lastro na Redução de Espécies Aquáticas Exóticas

Excelente material compilado e editado por Gregory ("Greg") Ruiz e David Reid: http://www.serc.si.edu/labs/marine_invasions/publications/PDF/NOAAt_technicalreport_2007.pdf .

CIAEX 2008 - Primeiro Congresso sobre Instalações Elétricas em Atmosferas Explosivas

De 17 a 19 de novembro de 2008, em São Paulo. Saiba mais em: http://www.ibp.org.br/divulga_evento/ibp_atm_explosivas/chtrab_atm_explosivasENv2.html .

IMO Confirma suas Credenciais Ambientais

IMO confirms environmental credentials as MEPC makes major progressMarine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) – 57th session: 31 March – 4 April 2008 "The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) made significant progress on several items when it addressed a packed agenda at its 57th session from 31 March to 4 April, at the Royal Horticultural Halls, London.In addition to approving proposed amendments to the MARPOL Annex VI regulations to reduce harmful emissions from ships and progressing the Organization’s work on the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from ships1, the Committee, among other things, also reviewed the current draft of a proposed ship recycling convention, pursued its work on issues related to the Ballast Water Management Convention, designated the Papahãnaumokuãkea Marine National Monument as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area and agreed that the discharge requirements in respect of the “Mediterranean Sea area” would take effect on 1 May 2009. Recycling of ships Substantial progress was made in developing the draft text of the International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, a new convention which will provide globally applicable ship recycling regulations for international shipping and for recycling activities. The work paves the way for the Committee to approve the draft at its next meeting in October 2008, taking the process one step closer to the holding of a diplomatic conference to adopt the Convention in Hong Kong, China, in May 2009 (subject to endorsement by the IMO Council in June 2008).An intersessional correspondence group was instructed to prepare a draft conference resolution addressing the circumstances in which sufficient recycling capacity may not be available. An intersessional meeting of the Working Group on Ship Recycling will be held in October 2008, the week before MEPC 58, to resolve outstanding issues and prepare a final version of the draft convention, to be reviewed at MEPC 58.The new convention will provide regulations for the design, construction, operation and preparation of ships to facilitate safe and environmentally sound recycling, without compromising the safety and operational efficiency of ships; for the operation of ship recycling facilities in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and for the establishment of an appropriate enforcement mechanism for ship recycling, incorporating certification and reporting requirements.In developing the draft text, the MEPC considered submissions from IMO Member Governments and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with IMO, including documents presented by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Secretariat of the Basel Convention.The third session of the Joint ILO/IMO/Basel Convention Working Group on Ship Scrapping is scheduled to be held in Geneva from 29 to 31 October, 2008. Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water The MEPC agreed to grant “Basic Approval” to four ballast water management systems and “Final Approval” to one ballast water management system that make use of Active Substances, after consideration of the report of the fourth and fifth meetings of the GESAMP2 Ballast Water Working Group, which met in November 2007 and January 2008. The MEPC also adopted a revised Procedure for approval of ballast water management systems that make use of active substances (G9), which updates and clarifies the procedure.To date, 13 States, representing about 3.62% of the world’s merchant shipping, have ratified the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention), which was adopted in February 2004. It will enter into force twelve months after the date on which not less than thirty States, the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than thirty-five percent of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping, have become Parties to it. Bearing in mind the emphasis the international community places on the issue of invasive species in ships’ ballast water, the Committee urged other States to ratify the Convention at the earliest opportunity. Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas The Committee agreed to designate the Papahãnaumokuãkea Marine National Monument, in the area of the North-western Hawaiian Islands (NWHIs), as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA). The PSSA will protect a unique, fragile and integrated coral reef ecosystem that consists of an approximately 1,200-mile stretch of small islands, atolls, banks, seamounts, pinnacles, shoals and other emergent features. The MEPC designated the PSSA “in principle” at its last session, pending adoption of associated protective measures by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), in October 2007. These measures have now been adopted. They include amendments to the six existing Areas To Be Avoided (ATBAs), which were adopted by IMO in 1981 to protect the NWHIs, and the adoption of additional ATBAs around Kure Atoll and Midway Atoll as well as three other areas between islands. In addition, a ship-reporting system provides critical alerts and other information to assist safe navigation in this area and to provide information on vessel traffic in transit through the PSSA, to facilitate the ability to respond to maritime emergencies. Mediterranean Special Area for garbage rulesThe MEPC agreed to set a date of 1 May 2009 from which the discharge requirements in respect of the “Mediterranean Sea area” (a Special Area under MARPOL Annex V) shall take effect. The move followed discussion of a submission from the Mediterranean coastal States declaring that adequate reception facilities for garbage, as required by MARPOL Annex V, are available and cover the relevant ports within the region. Review of Annex V of MARPOL The MEPC reviewed the report of a correspondence group on the review of MARPOL Annex V and agreed to extend the target completion date of the work to 2009. The Committee encouraged Member Governments and observers to participate actively in the review of MARPOL Annex V and associated guidelines, so that the task can be completed in time for consideration by MEPC 59 in July 2009.The correspondence group was re-established to develop draft amendments to the Annex and to the Guidelines for its implementation and to submit a progress report to MEPC 58 in October. Protecting the Antarctic Area from shipping The MEPC noted a submission raising concerns about the increased number and type of vessels operating in the Antarctic area, and recent incidents involving ships in distress in the area. The Committee noted the suggestion that, given that the Antarctic area was a Special Area under MARPOL Annexes I, II and V, IMO might consider addressing vessel ice‑strengthening standards; banning use of heavier grade fuel oils; addressing concerns over discharges of oily substances, sewage, grey water and waste; addressing the introduction of alien species through ballast water, hull-fouling and other pathways; and establishing a vessel traffic monitoring and information system for vessels operating in the Antarctic area. Member Governments were invited to submit relevant proposals to future meetings of the Committee, and also to the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG). The work programme of BLG 13 (scheduled to meet early in 2009) includes an agenda item on “Amendments to MARPOL Annex I on the use and carriage of heavy grade oil (HGO) on ships in the Antarctic area”, with a target completion date of 2010. OPRC-HNS implementation The MEPC considered the report of the seventh meeting of the OPRC‑HNS3 Technical Group, held in the week prior to the Committee’s session, and approved the final text of the draft Evaluation guideline for the validation of newly‑developed and revised OPRC-related model courses. The committee also urged Member States and industry to provide financial support to fund the participation of delegates from developing countries in the Fourth R&D Forum on hazardous and noxious substances in the marine environment, to be held in conjunction with Interspill 2009, which will take place in Marseille, France, from 12 to 14 May 2009". Fonte: IMO.

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

Europa Congratula IMO pelos Resultados do MEPC - Novos Áreas, Mas Pressão Continua

Segunda uma port-voz da Eslovênia: "a IMO demonstrou agora sua habilidade na condução de uma decisão difícil sobre os problemas de qualidade do ar correlacionada às emissões dos navios, adicionando que a Europa agora espera trabalho similar da IMO quanto aos gases de efeito estufa provenientes de navios". Saiba mais na matéria de Unni Einemo em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71246 .

Partes da Convenção de Londres e do seu Protocolo

Convenção de Londres sobre Prevenção da Poluição Marinha por Alijamento de Resíduos e outras Matérias de 1972 (LC/72). Legendas: Amarelo - Parties da Convenção de Londres de 1972; Verde - Partes do Protocolo de 1996; Vermelho - Não-Partes. Estamos ficando para trás... Fonte: IMO.

Entra em Vigor Resolução Conama sobre Águas Subterrâneas

Veja mais em: http://www.mma.gov.br/ascom/ultimas/index.cfm?id=4007 .

Greves Deixam o Setor de Negócio Marítimo Brasileiro Perto de Uma Crise

Leia matéria de Roberto Samora and Reese Ewing para Reuters em: http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUSN0722150820080407?sp=true .

Saiba mais sobre a Regulamentação da Introdução, Reintrodução e Translocação de Espécies Exóticas em Ambientes Aquáticos

Atividades do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA): http://www.mma.gov.br/port/conama/processo.cfm?processo=02000.003239/2003-18 .

segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008

Novo Anexo VI da Marpol é Saudado pela Indústria da Navegação - Fala-se em ECA agora na IMO

"As novas medidas a serem alcançadas incluem, progressivamente, limites menores de enxofre no que está sendo chamada Áreas de Controle de Emissão (emission control areas - ECAs). Nas ECAs os limites de enxofre devem cair a 1,00% em Março de 2010 e a 0,10% em Janeiro de 20015. O limite global de enxofre será reduzido para 3,50% em Janeiro de 2012, com um objetivo de longo prazo de 0,50% in 2020, sujeito a revisão em 2018". Veja mais da matéria de Unni Einemo em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71244 .

Un informe sobre cambio climático fija 21 puntos vulnerables en el litoral granadino

Iniciativa de cunho preventivo no litoral de Granada/Málaga, Espanha. Temos muito, ainda, que aprender com a Espanha. Ver mais dessa matéria de Guadalupe S.Maldonado em: http://www.granadahoy.com/article/granada/93661/informe/sobre/cambio/climatico/fija/puntos/vulnerables/litoral/granadino.html .

Abratec Questiona Terminais Privativos de Uso Misto

"A Abratec (Associação Brasileira dos Terminais de Contêineres de Uso Público) ajuizou no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Argüição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF 139) contra a Antaq (Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários). O motivo da ação é a permissão dada pela Antaq para o funcionamento de terminais privativos de uso misto, para movimentação de cargas, inclusive de terceiros, contrariando a Lei 8.630/93 e diversos preceitos fundamentais presentes na Constituição Federal". Saiba mais em: http://www.stf.gov.br/portal/cms/verNoticiaDetalhe.asp?idConteudo=86298&caixaBusca=N .

O Objetivo do Clima Não é Radical Suficientemente - Diz Estudo

Por Ed Pilkington, de New York, para the Guardian. Leia mais em:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/apr/07/climatechange.carbonemissions . Foto: Dr. James Hansen (AP Photos/The Daily Iowan/Melanie Patterson).

Vale Puxa Alta dos Preços do Minério de Ferro no Oriente Médio

Vale raises iron ore prices in Middle East.
"The price of feedstock for steel mills in the region could rise by nearly 90 per cent on 2007 prices as a result of negotiations between Brazilian iron ore producer Vale and Middle Eastern steel makers". Por Christina Corbett para Meed. Informação disponível em: http://www.meed.com/news/2008/04/vale_raises_iron_ore_prices_in_middle_east.html .

Cientistas Descobrem Bactérias que Se Alimentam de Antibióticos

Assunto alarmante em função das possibilidades de o ser humano ser uma futura vítima do perigo, se é que já não está acontecendo. Matéria da Associated Press. Veja mais no Wall Street Journal Online: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120724434479786983.html?mod=health_home_stories .

Sexta Conferência - Questões Atuais da Segurança Industrial: do Design ao Seguro

De 10 a 11 de Junho de 2008, no Holiday Club hotel (St. Petersburg, Vasiliyevski Island, Birzhevoy pereulok, 2-4). Saiba mais em: http://www.conference.gce.ru/en/?PHPSESSID=70d26bdd7687bc8a8dc6039f0e099123 .

Biocombustíveis e seus Efeitos na Indústria da Navegação

Biofuels and Effects on Shipping Industry Friday, April 04, 2008 "Biofuels are increasingly in the news – a biofuelled airline has been flown; UK fuel suppliers are to ensure that a percentage of their sales must include biofuels and there is a lively debate about ‘feeding or fuelling the nation’. Now, in the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology’s (IMarEST) Stanley Gray Lecture, Richard Sadler FIMarEST FRINA, Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd’s Register is to turn the focus on biofuels and the shipping industry.Virgin Atlantic, Sir Richard Branson’s airline, flew the biofuelled plane; and the UK’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) Programme will, from April 2008, place an obligation on UK fuel suppliers to ensure that a certain percentage of their aggregate sales is made up of biofuelsIn his lecture, entitled ‘Biofuels and their effects on the shipping industry’ on 23 April, Richard Sadler will cover the various types of biofuels and how they may affect marine transportation, the effect on new and existing trade patterns, the subsequent changes that this may have on suitable ship designs and sizes; together with the application of biofuels as marine fuels and lubricants. The Lecture will be delivered at the City Conference Centre, 80 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ (the headquarters of IMarEST). Attendance is free of charge to IMarEST members and non-members alike. The evening begins with tea and networking at 17.00; the lecture starts at 17.30 and the post-lecture reception is at 18.45". Fonte: MarineLink. Será que alguém do Brasil poderia estar nessa palestra?

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Encontro para Discutir Incentivos para Combustível com Baixo Enxofre

Os portos de Los Angeles e Long Beach realizarão um encontro sobre o recém adotado Programa de Incentivo de Combustível para Navio, a 9 de Abril no Port of Long Beach Board Room, 925 Harbor Plaza. Veja mais sobre essa interessante iniciativa em: http://www.polb.com/news/displaynews.asp?NewsID=364&TargetID=1,17,7 .
Foto: Vista aérea do Porto de Long Beach, disponível no site indicado

Plano de Ação para Limpeza do Ar dos Portos da Baía de Santo Antônio - Califórnia - USA

Trata-se de Plano para acelerar a utilização de combustível com baixa quantidade de óxido de enxofre e diminuir a poluição do ar nas áreas portuárias, com a redução dos casos de doenças das comunidades próximas obtidas, em especial, por via aérea. O Programa de Incentivo deve custar ao Porto de Los Angeles cerca de US$ 8.6 milhões, enquanto para o Porto de Long Beach US$ 9.9 milhões anualmente. O Programa de um ano começa em primeiro de julho e expira em 30 de Junho de 2009. Estamos nos preocupando pouco com o assunto ou precisamos fazer mais por aqui? Veja mais em: http://www.polb.com/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=5001 .

"Putting Our Resources Towards Security (PORTS) Act"

O congressista Silvestre Reyes, Democrata de El Paso, intoduziu no dia 31 de março de 2008 legislação (PORTS) para criar uma solução de longo prazo para melhoria da segurança e do movimento de viajantes e mercadorias através dos portos americanos de entrada. Saiba mais em: http://wwwc.house.gov/reyes/news_detail.asp?id=1394 . Foto: D-El Paso Silvestre Reyes, disponível no site indicado.

Gestão de Sítio Contaminado e Redesenvolvimento de Brownfield na América Latina - Resultados de um Estudo

Autora: Andreas Marker, Brasil Com contribuições de: Andreas Nieters, Brasil; Detlev Ullrich, Brasil; Giuseppe Michelino, Brasil; Wini Schmidt, Mexico; Ulises Ruiz, Mexico. Confira em: http://www.cetesb.sp.gov.br/rede/documentos/apresentacoes_Urban_Land/2_Session10_GTZ.pdf .

Manual de Operações de Aterros Sanitários - Estado da Bahia

Manual bem feito e simples, com informações e imagens bem definidas e objetivas. Confira em: http://www.conder.ba.gov.br/manual_aterro.pdf .

sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2008

A Carga de Trabalho do MEPC/IMO

Plea for IMO workload to be more ‘reasonable’ - Por Neville Smith para Lloyd´s List. "DELEGATIONS from some of the largest flag states have told the Marine Environment Protection Committee that the number of International Maritime Organization meetings and work items must be reduced if the organisation is to comply with an assembly resolution that decisions are made with the participation of all members". A excessiva carga de trabalho e o número de itens da Agenda do Comitê de Proteção do Meio Ambiente da (MEPC/IMO) são problemas que já se arrastam há alguns anos, sem uma solução adequada, necessitando cada vez mais de reuniões interssesionais (formais e informais) ao longo do ano.

Vale Deverá Exportar 125M de Toneladas de Minério de Ferro para a China Este Ano

Veja nota da Interfax-China em: http://metalsplace.com/news/?a=18868 .

III Seminário Nacional Sobre Dragagens Portuárias no Brasil

De 26 a 29 de maio de 2008, no Teatro Municipal de Antonina, Paraná. Ver mais notícias em http://www.ademandan.org.br/. Evento geralmente muito concorrido. Colaboração: G. H.

III Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia

De 20 a 24 de Maio de 2008, Fortaleza - CE. Ver mais em: http://virtualtarget.plugin.com.br/index.php/DmaPreview?598,51,2429,f71ddf2b5e2f9fba0e72abbb83af6043

Processo Seletivo à Categoria de Praticante de Prático - 2008

Infoma-se mais sobre a seleção em: https://www.dpc.mar.mil.br/servicos/concurso/pratico08/link_edital.pdf . Colaboração: G.H.

IMO Perto de Acordo Sobre Limites da Poluição do Ar por Navios

Por Stefano Ambrogi para the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/feedarticle?id=7434257 .

Alerta sobre Ameaça dos Plásticos Tóxicos: Ilha do Pacífico

Matéria de David Shukman, Correspondente de Meio Ambiente da BBC, Midway. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7316441.stm . Leia a matéria e veja o vídeo.
Foto: Creative Commons / William Rafti

quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008

Relógio Feito com Material do Casco do Titanic é Vendido Até por US$ 150,000

Leia mais sobre o assunto, por Cgull8m, em: http://hubpages.com/hub/Watches_Made_from_Titanics_Hull_Sell_for_150_000 . Foto: Romain Jerome SA, Companhia Suiça. Uma ótima sugestão para aproveitamento do material proveniente dos desmanches dos navios: também virar relógio.

Congelado no Tempo, Relógio Encontrado no Titanic é Posto a Venda no eBay

Por falar em relógio... um outro foi descoberto no corpo de Thomas Mullin 12 dias depois que o navio antingiu um Iceberg, no dia 14 de abril de 1912, afundando a seguir. Agora está sendo colocado a venda no e-Bay. Vai fazer algum lance? Matéria do Times Online: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article3587156.ece .

Ação Questiona Lei que Permite Uso de Amianto Crisotila no Brasil

Leia mais sobre o assunto no site do STF: http://www.stf.gov.br/portal/cms/verNoticiaDetalhe.asp?idConteudo=85943&caixaBusca=N .

Propostas de Novo Anexo VI da MARPOL Recebe Críticas


Siri Vê o Primeiro Óleo

O campo offshore de Siri vê o primeiro óleo. Ver mais sobre esse assunto em: http://www.pennenergy.com/display_article/324739/9/PRARC/none/PRODN/1/Siri-field-offshore-Brazil-sees-first-oil/.

Portos de Conteineres Devem ser Mais Ambientalmente Conscientes

Confira a matéria em: http://www.portworld.com/news/2008/03/71148 .

Consultoria para o Projeto Corredores Ecológicos

"O Projeto Corredores Ecológicos/MMA (BRA/01/022) está contratanto um consultor para elaborar documento base para o oficina "Experiências em implementação de Corredores Ecológicos", organização da oficina e compilação dos resultados. O consultor deverá ter formação de nível superior na área de meio ambiente, experiência de no mínimo 5 anos em planejamento ambiental, ou pelo menos 2 trabalhos realizados nesta área (Plano de Manejo, Planos de Gestão, ZEE, Corredores Ecológicos ou outros afins). Duração do Contrato: 06 meses Local de trabalho: Brasília, com disponibilidade para viagens O candidado deverá enviar CV até dia 14/04/2007 (data postagem) para Caixa postal 8526 CEP: 70.312-970 Brasília-DF, informando no envelope: BRA/01/022 - Implem PCE". Conforme solicitação para divulgação.

Identificação de Trabalhadores Pode Congestionar Portos Americanos

"Worker identification could congest US ports Thursday, 03 April 2008 Stakeholders are concerned that the latest anti-terrorist security check will cause congestion at US ports and slow down container throughput. The new Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC) system requires all personnel entering a US terminal unescorted to pass a background security check, register with the authorities and possess a biometric ID card. The TWIC system will officially be in place by September and most ports are already in the process of registering their users.The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA), which represents 14 major global carriers, has warned that the TWIC system could “result in large numbers of rail, trucking, warehousing and long-shore workers leaving the industry.” Several industry players suggested to Portworld recently that a significant section of the workforce at the US ports either possess 'illegal' credentials, or would rather not be registered with the government. According to one report, only a quarter of the some 750,000 people affected have so far been covered by the enrolment programme, which kicked off last year. At the key Californian ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach, only 15,000 out of an estimated 60,000 had been enrolled by March 14.In fact, according to a Tradewinds article, the total number of workers affected at Los Angeles/Long Beach is actually some 100,000 if contractors and others are included. Officials have expressed concern at the “slow enrolment process” and Long Beach Harbour Commissioner Jim Hankla has urged for the port to “turn the heat up” with government regulators. According to the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), congestion at Los Angeles/Long Beach was avoided last year through the use of large numbers of 'casual' part-time workers who had begun employment since 2004 due to labour shortages. The PMA says thousands of these 'casuals' now support the 15,000 registered workers employed by PMA members and “may be the ones most affected by TWIC.” Meanwhile, the TSA is reportedly “keeping a wary eye” on current contract renewal talks between the dockers' union and their employers in the PMA. According to one Tradewinds report, security concerns and any threat of labour-related disruption “remind people of the impact on the US economy of the west coast ports, dramatically revealed in 2002 when they were shut down for 10 days during previous contract renewal talks, at a cost of billions of dollars.”" Fonte: Portworld

Uma Semana Crucial na IMO

"Crucial Week at IMO Thursday, 03 April 2008 All meetings of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are important. Why not, as what takes place in these committee and sub-committee meetings will ultimately affect almost every commercial ship in the world? But this current meeting, the 57th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee, which began on Monday, will be regarded as specially crucial, not least by those who are not taking part in it. This of course is the meeting that is focusing on a number of important environmental challenges, but with particular emphasis on the measures to be taken by the shipping industry to tackle exhaust gas emissions through the revision of MARPOL Annex VI, and greenhouse gases. It is also a chance for industry to correct much of the erroneous propaganda that has been flying around, notably in the media, and with politicians and certain regulators suggesting that the environmental record of the shipping industry is worse than has been claimed. 
The recent criticism of the shipping industry, which was presented to the general public as cavalier with its environmental responsibilities, provoked IMO Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos into a strong defence of the industry’s stance on the environment in his opening speech to the MEPC. He denounced the notion that the shipping industry was being forced to act by others, noting that the maritime community works hard “to champion and sustain a healthy and green environment”. It was entirely wrong to suggest that shipping was only making these moves “for fear that others will act if we fail to ourselves”. The maritime community, he emphasised, was represented by responsible citizens of this planet, who saw it as their duty to play a responsible part in caring for the marine environment. 

It is perhaps not surprising that the Secretary-General of IMO felt that such an intervention was necessary to encourage the delegates to redouble their efforts, and by doing so, to prove these accusations nonsensical. Such progress would effectively be forcing the critics, who have threatened regional and local action and suggested that there was doubt about IMO’s mission in this respect, to eat their words. 

At the same time there is a certain sense that the shipping industry is under what might be thought of as unfair scrutiny, perhaps because it is “over the horizon” and thus mostly invisible to the public, that it is an appealing target for people who might be hesitant about tackling the bigger polluters. Everyone knows about the emissions from power stations or road vehicles, because they see them. Ships are beyond their daily comprehension, so when somebody starts alleging that they are major polluters and must be drastically constrained by strict regulation, it is seen to be a response that will somehow be without cost or pain to the ordinary man or woman in the street. 
Because emissions are smelt and felt locally, there is also a tendency for powerful pressure groups to focus on this target of shipping in places where ships congregate - in large ports. Local solutions are energetically sought, and these attract political and media support mostly from people who have probably never ever heard of the International Maritime Organization or the concept that an international transport industry needs international regulation if it is to function properly. 

So when popular newspapers or broadcast media start making wrongful claims about the contribution of shipping to harmful atmospheric emissions, people do not know that they are being grossly misled. It is perhaps just one further consequence of the shipping industry’s invisibility. But this week, it is hoped, progress which will underline the industry’s sense of responsibility will take place". Fonte: BIMCO Watchkeeper

quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2008

IMO Está Grossamente Subestimando as Emissões de CO2 dos Navios

Leia artigo de Christian Eyde Møller, CEO do DK Group em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71203 .
Foto: Disponível no site indicado.

Noticias da Reunião do Comitê MEPC/IMO - Mitropoulos Reage

Comentários de Neville Smith para o Lloyd´s List: "Mitropoulos: ship emissions must be cut INTERNATIONAL Maritime Organization Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos has slapped down opposition from developing countries to progress on combating greenhouse gas emissions from ships. Industry seeks tough rules on sulphur levels TWO submissions on the first day of the Marine Environment Protection Committee confirmed the industry’s appetite for tough new rules on sulphur levels in marine fuels, despite a split in support for the delegations that proposed them. Levy to buy carbon credits THE International Maritime Organiza- tion’s GHG working group will evaluate a levy of €30 ($47) per metric tonne of bunker fuel for all ships in international trade to fund the purchase of carbon credits and the development of cleaner propulsion technology. Vessel recycling audits plan is defeated INDIA, Pakistan and the Bahamas have succeeded in removing a chapter of the draft convention on ship recycling which would have forced signatories to agree to mandatory independent third-party audits. IMO chief says shipping must not become a scapegoat for climate critics seeking soft targets. INTERNATIONAL Maritime Organization secretary-general Efthimios Mitropoulos has hit back at critics of shipping’s environmental record, describing the views of “some politicians, civil servants and certain media representatives” as “often ill-founded and inaccurate” in their descriptions of shipping’s contribution to air pollution".

China Baterá Record Importando Vinhos Chilenos

Os chineses preferem os tintos e os chilenos venderão US$ 10 milhões a mais. Veja mais em El Mercúrio: http://diario.elmercurio.com/2008/03/31/revista_del_campo/revista_del_campo_precios/noticias/0315E8DB-B918-4749-9201-91F9728026C2.htm . Por falar em vinho chileno, foi em Cartagena, Colômbia, que fui introduzido ao Carmenére por Alexandre Carvalho Leal Neto. Foto: RJC.

Centro de Atendimento a Incidentes de Segurança - CAIS

Visite o site do CAIS e previna-se, entendendo mais sobre os tipos usais de fraudes eletrônicas: http://www.rnp.br/cais/fraudes.php . Leitura altamente recomendada.

IMO Profundamente Dividida sobre o Anexo VI da MARPOL (Poluição do Ar)

Muitas questões estão em aberto sobre o assunto. Veja matéria de SuistanableShipping, que inclusive menciona o posicionamento de alguns países, em: http://www.sustainableshipping.com/news/2008/04/71184 .

Lojistas Dizem "Não" a Nova Taxa para Enfrentar Mudança Climática

Os lojistas preferem incentivos invés de novas taxas. Veja mais em: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/consumer_affairs/article3662082.ece .
Foto: RJC.

Cargotec Recebe Um Pedido de 12 RTGs (Rubber-Tyred Gantry) para o Brasil: Porto de Santos

Veja mais no site da Cargotec: http://www.cargotec.com/cms/cargocms.nsf/Documents/01AFF9BFE53AE96AC225741E0026EA48?OpenDocument&lang=1 .