quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

Curtas do Bryant´s

OFAC – Syria shipping risks

clip_image004 The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), with the Department of State and the US Coast Guard, issued an Advisory concerning sanctions risks related to shipping petroleum to Syria. Those at risk include insurers, shipping companies, financial institutions, and vessel owners, managers, and operators. The advisory includes a list of vessels that delivered oil to Syria 2016-2018. (11/20/18) [https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/syria_shipping_advisory_11202018.pdf].

EC – improving ship safety in the Arctic

clip_image010 The European Commission (EC) posted an article discussing research on innovations to improve ship safety in the Arctic. The project is developing ways to improve the design, operation, navigation, and anti-icing features of ships transiting the region. (11/19/18) [http://ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/article_en.cfm?id=/research/headlines/news/article_18_11_19_en.html?infocentre&item=Infocentre&artid=49784]. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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