segunda-feira, 21 de agosto de 2017

Curtas do Bryant´s

Singapore – Wreck Removal Convention
clip_image017 The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) issued a circular announcing that the Wreck Removal Convention, 2007 (WRC) enters into effect for Singapore on 8 September. As of that date, Singapore-flagged vessels are required to have on board a WRC State certificate to attest that insurance or other financial security to cover liability for wrecks is in place. Shipping Circular 13-2017 (8/16/17) [].
UK – National Contingency Plan
clip_image019 The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) posted an updated National Contingency Plan (NCP). The NCP provides a strategic overview for responses to marine pollution from shipping and offshore installations. (8/17/17) [].
MREN – balancing efficiency and security
clip_image021 In the August edition of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News (MREN) you can find my article "Balancing Efficiency and Security". We live in an increasingly complex society. Electronics and computers have greatly increased our efficiency, but have also created security risks previously unknown. To operate in our modern world we must balance these two elements. Otherwise, we run the risk of losing both. (8/17/17) []. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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