quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2017

Curtas do Braynt´s

USCG – Hurricane Harvey response snapshot
clip_image004 The US Coast Guard issued a news release providing a Hurricane Harvey response snapshot. As of noon, 29 August, the Coast Guard had rescued more than 3,175 persons and 113 pets. There are nearly 2,000 USCG personnel involved in response efforts. They are operating 20 helicopters, one fixed wing aircraft, and 20 shallow-draft response craft (punts). The ports of Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Freeport, and Corpus Christi remain closed. (8/29/17) [https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSCG/bulletins/1b3e0e1].
Houston – SAR efforts continue
clip_image004[1] The US Coast Guard issued a news release stating that its air crews and punt teams have rescued in excess of 3,600 people from flooded homes and streets in the Houston area. (8/29/17) [https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSCG/bulletins/1b3cdd9].
USCG – REC Houston closed due to hurricane
clip_image004[2] The USCG National Maritime Center (NMC) issued a notice stating that the Regional Exam Center in Houston is closed until further notice due to Hurricane Harvey. Mariners should not fax or mail applications to REC Houston until it reopens. Applications may be sent to another REC. (8/28/17) [http://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/NMC/pdfs/rec/rec_houston_closure_082817.pdf]. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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