segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2016

Curtas do Bryant´s

USCG – ballast water management
clip_image006 The US Coast Guard posted a bulletin stating that there will be two USCG speakers at the 27-29 September Ballast Water Management Tech (BWMTech) North America Conference in Miami. CDR Meridena Kauffman will address the USCG ballast water management program, while LCDR Jason Kling will discuss the USCG type-approval testing process and how it compares with the IMO process. (9/9/16) [].
DOE & DOI – National Offshore Wind Strategy
clip_image010 clip_image012 The Department of Energy and Department of the Interior issued a news release announcing the National Offshore Wind Strategy to tap into the massive potential for wind power along the US shores. (9/9/16) [].
Congress – concerns re USMMA
clip_image014 Twelve Representatives and one Senator sent a letter to Secretary of Transportation, the Maritime Administrator, and the Superintendent of the US Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) expressing concern regarding the accreditation status of the Academy, sexual assault and sexual harassment against midshipmen, the recent stand down of Sea Year, impacts on Academy attrition and recruitment, and the potential for closure of the Academy. (9/2/16) []. Note: This item was brought to my attention by my good friend Joe Keefe of Maritime Logistics Professional. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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