sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Curta do Bryant´s

USCG – second BWMS type-approval application received
clip_image006 The US Coast Guard issued a bulletin stating that it has received an application requesting USCG type-approval for the Alfa Laval ballast water management system (BWMS). This is the second such application received to date. The Coast Guard's goal is to review and reply to each submittal within 30 days of receipt. (9/22/16) [].
EPA – National Port Strategy Assessment
clip_image008 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its National Port Strategy Assessment. The assessment examines current and future emission trends from diesel engines in port areas and explores the emission reduction potential of strategies like replacing and repowering older, dirtier vehicles and engines and deploying zero-emissions technologies. (9/22/16) [].
Senate – bill introduced to improve maritime security
clip_image014 Senator Thune (R-SD) introduced a bill (S. 3379) to improve surface transportation and maritime security. Official text of the bill is not yet available. (9/21/16). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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