segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

Curtas do Bryant´s

ANSTF – meeting on 4-6 May
clip_image006 The Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (ANSTF), sponsored by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), will meet on 4-6 May in Traverse City, Michigan. Topics on the agenda include interbasin transfer of aquatic invasive species and Asian carp risk assessments. 81 Fed. Reg. 22299 [located at] (4/15/16).
USCG – ballast water reporting form
clip_image016 The US Coast Guard issued a notice reminding stakeholders that the transition period within which use of the old ballast water reporting form remains acceptable expires on 30 April. Beginning 1 May, ballast water management reports for ships equipped with ballast water tanks and bound for ports or places in the United States must be made utilizing the new form. (4/15/16) [located at].
USCG – pre-arrival and departure information
clip_image016[1] The US Coast Guard issued a notice advising that the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL) adopted an amendment to the FAL Convention that would require public authorities to establish, within three years, a system for the electronic exchange of pre-arrival and departure information. The amendment is estimated to become effective in 2018. (4/15/16) [located at]. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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