segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016

Curtas do Bryant´s

USCG – conditions of entry Cuba removed
clip_image004 The US Coast Guard issued a news release stating that it has removed the Conditions of Entry on vessels arriving from Cuba. Following a comprehensive assessment, the Coast Guard has determined that Cuba meets the ISPS Code requirements and has effective security measures in its ports. (3/17/16) [located at].
California – proposed regulation withdrawn
clip_image022 The California State Lands Commission (SLC) issued a notice stating that it is formally withdrawing its proposed regulations titled Article 4.9, Marine Invasive Species Act Enforcement and Hearing Process. A new proposal will be published shortly. (3/18/16) [located at].
Denmark – medicine chest substitution
clip_image030 The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) issued a news release stating that, due to the current difficulty in obtaining 7.4 Erythromycin for a ship's medicine chest, 500mg tablets of Clarithromycin may be substituted. [located at] (3/18/16). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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