quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2016

Curta do Bryant´s

DOJ – motion to enter DWH settlement filed
clip_image004 The Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a notice stating that it has formally moved the court to enter the consent decree that will globally settle the civil claims of the federal government and five Gulf Coast states against BP in the Deepwater Horizon litigation. If the proposed Consent Decree is entered by the Court, BP will pay a Clean Water Act penalty of $5.5 billion (plus interest), $8.1 billion in natural resource damages (this includes $1 billion BP already committed to pay for early restoration), up to an additional $700 million (some of which is in the form of accrued interest) to address injuries to natural resources that are presently unknown but may come to light in the future and adaptive management, and $600 million for other claims, including claims under the False Claims Act, royalties, and reimbursement of natural resource damage assessment costs and other expenses due to this incident. (3/22/16) [located at https://www.justice.gov/enrd/deepwater-horizon]. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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