segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

Kenya – Somali pirates convicted and sentenced

clip_image004 The EU NAVFOR issued a press release stating that seven Somali men were convicted by a court in Mombasa, Kenya of acts of piracy against a merchant vessel and sentenced to five years imprisonment each. This is the second conviction of Somali pirates who had been apprehended by EU NAVFOR warships. Prosecutions of seven more groups of suspected pirates apprehended by EU NAVFOR warships are being prosecuted in Kenya. (9/24/10).

NATO – risk of piracy is increased

clip_image006 The NATO Shipping Centre issued a notice advising that, with improving weather, the risk of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin has increased. Pirate action groups have been observed in the area. The groups are likely to exploit pirated dhows and fishing vessels as mother ships to extend their range. (9/24/10).

Somali Basin – warship frees pirated dhow

clip_image008 The EU NAVFOR issued a press release stating that one of its warships boarded a Kenyan dhow in the Somali Basin. The dhow was towing two skiffs. On board were nine regular crewmembers, a Somali translator, and four suspected pirates. The 14 individuals were transferred to the warship for further investigation. (9/24/10).

Somali Basin – freighter hijacked by pirates, then abandoned

clip_image010 The EU NAVFOR issued a press release stating that a freighter with a crew of twelve carrying a cargo of steel bars and wires bound for Mauritius has been hijacked by pirates in the Somali Basin approximately 900 miles east of Eyl, Somalia. A second press release states that the pirates have abandoned the freighter and that the crew is now back in control. The crew is reported to be safe. No further details are provided. (9/25/10).

NIC – update on GOM spill response

clip_image020 The National Incident Command (NIC) issued a news release updating information regarding the ongoing response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Approximately 22,632 personnel are involved in the response, along with 1,381 vessels. (9/24/10).

IMO – 61st session of MEPC

clip_image025 The IMO issued a news release providing the agenda 61st session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), which meets in London on 27 September through October 1. The major item to be taken up is the control and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. (9/24/10). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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