terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

Indian Ocean – suspected pirate mother ship destroyed

clip_image004 The EU Maritime Security Centre-Horn of Africa (MSC-HOA) issued a press release stating that one of its warships intercepted a suspected pirate mother ship and two skiffs in the Indian Ocean approximately 450 nautical miles east of Somalia. The eleven individuals on the vessels were taken on board the warship. The mother ship was destroyed. (5/1/10).

Somali Basin – suspected pirate mother ship destroyed

clip_image004[1] The EU Maritime Security Centre-Horn of Africa (MSC-HOA) issued a press release stating that one of its warships intercepted a suspected pirate mother ship and a skiff in the Somali Basin between Somalia and the Seychelles. The nine individuals on the vessels were taken on board the warship. The mother ship was destroyed. (5/2/10).

Indonesia – chemical tanker boarded and robbed

clip_image006 The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre issued an Incident Alert stating that a chemical tanker anchored in the Port of Anyer, Java, Indonesia, was boarded at night by six robbers armed with knives. They came aboard from a small boat using ropes and grapnel hooks. The robbers threatened the watchstanders before stealing some engine spare parts. (5/2/10).

Gulf of Mexico oil spill – claims procedure

clip_image008[1] clip_image010 The Unified Command released a Fact Sheet addressing the procedures for presenting claims to BP for loss and damage caused by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. (5/3/10).

MMS-USCG – safety alert well control equipment

clip_image011 clip_image012 The Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Coast Guard issued a joint safety alert recommending the operators and drilling contractors of offshore facilities examine all well control equipment (both surface and subsea), review all rig drilling/casing/completion practices, and take other steps to reduce the risk of a casualty or accident. (4/30/10).

NOAA – fishing closed in oil-affected waters

clip_image014 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a news release stating that it is restricting fishing for a minimum of ten days in federal waters most affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (5/2/10).

Florida – agencies prepare for possible spill response

clip_image008[2] The US Coast Guard issued a news release stating that Sector St. Petersburg and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are actively preparing for possible marine pollution effects from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (5/3/10). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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