sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

Brasil (Em 14 de Abril de 2010), Canadá e Holanda Ratificaram a Convenção de Água de Lastro

Parabéns para todos que trabalharam no assunto: Claudio Land, Flavio Fernandes, Celso Aleluia, Marroig, Ricardo Maia, Alexandre Leal, Raquel Bredas, Almirante Mauro Cesar, Comandante Sobrinho, Comandante Massena, Comandante Sousa Moreira, Almirante Vidigal (in memorian), Chefias e Assessoria da RPB-IMO, pessoal do Globallast e EU. Pena que pela idiotice e falta de compromisso com o interesse público de alguns o Brasil ficou fora da 2a. etapa do Programa GloBallast, de muito sucesso no país. Saiba mais:
12/05/2010 Netherlands ratifies Convention
The Netherlands has deposited its instruments of ratification with IMO, bringing the total number of Parties to 25, and the gross tonnage to 24.28%. The number of Parties to the BWM Convention has been increasing rapidly during the last 6 months. Since November last year, 7 countries have ratified. GloBallast congratulates the Netherlands to this important and welcome decision!
16/04/2010 More BWM Convention ratifications
Two more countries have recently deposited their instruments of ratification with IMO ? Canada (8 April) and Brazil (14 April). This brings the total number of parties to 24 representing 23.29 per cent of the world tonnage. Brazil thus follows South Africa, becoming the second GloBallast pilot phase country to ratify the Convention. GloBallast congratulates Brazil and Canada to this important step!
Fonte: IMO/GloBallast Partnership. Colaboração: A.L.N.

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