quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

UN Security Council – possibility of international tribunals to prosecute pirates

clip_image004 The United Nations (UN) issued a news release stating that the Security Council adopted a resolution appealing to all nations to criminalize piracy under their domestic law and favorably consider the prosecution of suspected, and imprisonment of convicted, pirates apprehended off the coast of Somalia. The resolution also put forward the possibility of establishing international tribunals to try pirates. (4/27/10).

DHS & DOI – investigation of MODU incident in Gulf of Mexico

clip_image008 clip_image010 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a news release stating that it and the Department of the Interior (DOI) will jointly investigate the circumstances surrounding the explosion and fire on the MODU Deepwater Horizon, the apparent loss of life, and the subsequent oil spill. The investigation will be conducted by the US Coast Guard and the Minerals Management Service (MMS). The goal is to determine what can be done to prevent this type of incident in the future. (4/27/10).

Gulf of Mexico – update MODU incident

clip_image012 clip_image014 The Unified Command issued a news release stating that comprehensive oil well intervention and spill response continues. To date, the team has recovered 43,384 gallons of an oil-water mix. Over 29,000 gallons of dispersant has been deployed. More than 29,000 feet of boom has been assigned to contain the spill. A NOAA chart showing the location of the sheen was also released, as well as an overflight map. (4/27/10).

IMO – Protocol to HNS Convention

clip_image027 The IMO issued a news release stating that the Diplomatic Conference to consider, for adoption, a draft Protocol to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996 (HNS Convention) has opened in London. (4/26/10). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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