segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

Norfolk – eleven suspected pirates indicted

The US Department of Justice issued a news release stating that eleven men from Somalia have been indicted by a federal grand jury for engaging in piracy and related offenses. The indictment alleges that five of the men were involved in the March 31 assault on the USS Nicholas and that the other six men were involved in the April 10 assault on the USS Ashland. If convicted of piracy, the mandatory sentence is life in prison. (4/23/10).

NATO – Maritime Security: Sink or Swim

clip_image006 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) posted the latest edition of its NATO Review. Labeled “Maritime Security: Sink or Swim”, it consists of three videos relating to maritime security, including one specifically on the impact of piracy on merchant shipping, and an essay regarding the impact on naval forces of maritime lawlessness and climate change. (4/23/10). Note: This item was brought to my attention by my good friend John Bennett of Maritime Protective Services.

Gulf of Mexico – environmental response to sunken MODU

clip_image008 The Joint Information Center issued a news release stating that there were approximately 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel in enclosed tanks on the MODU Deepwater Horizon before the explosion and fire. It is unknown how much, if any, of this fuel was consumed prior to the sinking of the MODU. Response personnel and equipment have been made available. Oil does not appear to be coming from the well head, but the situation is being monitored. The casualty is under investigation. A second news release states that the search for the eleven missing workers has been suspended. (4/23/10).

MMS – RFI for wind energy leasing offshore Delaware

clip_image010 The Minerals Management Service (MMS) issued a Request for Interest (RFI) inviting submissions describing interest in obtaining one or more commercial leases for construction of a wind energy project(s) on the outer continental shelf (OCS) offshore Delaware. MMS also invites comments and information that will be useful in consideration of the area of interest for commercial wind energy leases. Submissions and comments must be received by June 25. 75 Fed. Reg. 21653 (April 26, 2010).

UN – funding for counter-piracy projects in Somalia

clip_image020 The United Nations (UN) issued a news release stating that its trust fund set up as part of the international fight against maritime piracy announced plans to support a series of five projects that are aimed at assisting Somalia and its neighbors to tackle the scourge. Four projects will help strengthen institutions in the Seychelles and the autonomous Somali regions of Puntland and Somaliland in such areas as mentoring prosecutors and police, building prisons, reviewing domestic laws in piracy, and increasing the capacity of local courts. A fifth project aims to help local media disseminate anti-piracy messages within Somalia. (4/23/10). Note: Even this modest effort is long overdue. While naval patrols and use of best management practices by merchant vessels can reduce the likelihood of a successful hijacking, only by rebuilding the infrastructure on shore can the continuing threat of Somali piracy be eliminated. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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