segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

USN – Somali pirates intercepted, mother skiff destroyed

clip_image004 The US Navy issued a news release stating that the flagship of Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, the USS Farragut (DDG 99), intercepted suspected pirates in the Somali Basin shortly after a tanker had come under attack. The tanker evaded the attack, despite the firing of small arms and rocket-propelled grenades by the pirates. The warship intercepted three skiffs in the area after the attack. The eleven suspects on board were observed to throw paraphernalia over the side as the boarding party approached. The mother skiff was destroyed and the two smaller skiffs, with the eleven individuals on board, were released. (4/2/10).

UK – Marine Protected Areas

clip_image012 The UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) issued a news release stating that the Government’s strategy to deliver a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across the United Kingdom has been published. (3/31/10). Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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