terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

Yemen – pirates hijack ro-ro vessel

clip_image004 The EU Maritime Security Centre-Horn of Africa (MSC-HOA) issued a press release stating that pirates hijacked a small ro-ro vessel 10 nautical miles off the Port of Aden, Yemen. The vessel, with its crew of 24, is now headed toward Somalia. (3/29/10).

USN – Somali mariners rescued

clip_image006 The US Navy issued a news release stating that, while on counter-piracy patrol, one of its warships observed a skiff adrift in the Gulf of Aden. Inspection revealed 30 men, women, and children on board. The engines on the skiff had broken down four days previously and the occupants were in distress. The mariners were provided with food, water, and blankets and were then put ashore in Somalia. (3/29/10).

NOAA – OER Strategic Plan

clip_image010 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seeking comments on its draft Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) Strategic Plan FY 2011-2015. Comments should be submitted by September 30. 75 Fed. Reg. 15686 (March 30, 2010).

Canada – reducing air pollution from ships

clip_image016 Transport Canada issued a news release stating that Canada is collaborating with the United States and France to reduce air emissions from ships by implementing the North American Emission Control Area (ECA), recently approved by the IMO. As part of that effort, Canada has acceded to MARPOL Annexes IV (sewage), V (garbage), and VI (air pollution). (3/26/10).

EPA – IMO approves North American ECA – errata

clip_image018 clip_image020 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a news release stating that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) officially accepted the proposal to designate certain waters off the coasts of North America as an Emission Control Area (ECA). When the ECA standards will phase in starting in 2012, the sulphur content of fuel oil for ships subject to MARPOL Annex VI will be limited to 1.00% m/m. Ships may also utilize approved technical measures to lower their sulphur-oxide emissions to an equivalent level. (3/26/10). Note: The North American ECA will apply to most coastal waters of Canada and the United States and to waters surrounding the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It will have a particular impact on vessels engaged in the Canadian and US coastwise trade as those vessels will operate almost exclusively within the ECA. Yesterday’s newsletter exhibited some of my confusion on this development. One of my long-suffering readers gently pointed out to me that, while the ECA will come into effect on 1 August 2011, it includes a provision stating that during the first twelve months immediately following an amendment designating a specific ECA, ships operating in that ECA are exempt from the requirements for utilizing the low sulphur fuel oil (or utilizing the equivalent technical methodology). Thus, for practical purposes, the deadline will be 1 August 2012. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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