terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Curtas do Bryant´s

ONI & MARAD – terrorist advisory re Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

clip_image004 clip_image006 The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) issued a special advisory repeating a recent advisory from the Maritime Administration (MARAD) cautioning that ships in the Red Sea, Bab-al-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden along the coast of Yemen are at risk maritime attack from al-Qaida interests. Vessels transiting these waters are urged to operate at a heightened state of readiness, maintain strict 24-hour visual and radar watches, and regularly report their position, course, and speed to the UKMTO. (3/10/10). Note: This advisory relates to the potential for a terrorist attack, not a piratical attack, although the recommended precautions are similar.

Somali Basin – ship evades pirate attack

clip_image008 The US Navy issued a news release stating that a merchant ship was attacked by pirates while transiting the Somali Basin 135 miles northwest of Madagascar. The pirates, in two skiffs, fired rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and small arms at the ship, which incurred minor damage. The ship maintained high speed and engaged in defensive maneuvers in order to evade the pirates. (3/21/10).

Bahrain – Maritime Center of Excellence

clip_image010 The US Navy issued a news release stating that the Maritime Center of Excellence in Manama, Bahrain is hosting the Commander’s Operational Planning Course on March 21-April 1. The course focuses on maritime security and operational planning so as to defeat terrorism, prevent piracy, reduce illegal trafficking of people and drugs, and promote the marine environment. (3/22/10).

Malaysia – attempted robbery of anchored ship at night

clip_image012 The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre issued an Incident Alert stating that a tanker anchored at night off the southeast tip of Malaysia was boarded by five robbers armed with knives. The robbers departed when the alarm was sounded and the crew mustered. Nothing was stolen. (3/20/10). Note: This is the third such incident to occur in this vicinity in the past six weeks. Vessels might want to consider not anchoring there at night. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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