sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2016

Curtas do Bryant´s

Denmark – pre-study on autonomous ships
clip_image017 The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) issued a news release stating that it is launching a pre-study on autonomous ships. (10/20/16) [].
UK – submarine-trawler collision
clip_image019 The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) issued the report of its investigation of the collision involving a submerged Royal Navy submarine and the trawler Karen on 15 April 2015 off Northern Ireland. Karen was towed backwards and partially submerged after the submarine got entangled in the trawler's net. Eventually, the trawler's warps gave way and the trawler became released. The submarine did not surface as evidence on board of the collision was either ignored or misinterpreted. The Royal Navy did not fully engage in the subsequent investigation, but it is apparent that the submarine did not undertake appropriate passage planning and that the Royal Navy's Code of Practice for Fishing Vessel Avoidance had not been implemented fully. Report 20/2016 (10/12/16) []. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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