segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2016

Curtas do Bryant´s

USCG – second round of El Faro hearings
clip_image004 The US Coast Guard issued a media advisory stating that a second round of public hearings for the Marine Board of Investigation into the loss of the US-flag vessel El Faro and the 33 persons on board will held on 16-27 May in Jacksonville. This round will focus on shipboard operations and cargo loading, lashing, and stowage operations for the accident voyage, while also examining the vessel's analysis of stability and the weather conditions forecasted and encountered. In addition, the regulatory oversight for the El Faro will be examined for potential implications of that oversight on the accident voyage. A third round of hearings (at a date to be determined) will examine additional elements of the investigation including crew witnesses, TOTE company officials, and contents of the vessel's voyage data recorder (VDR) if it can be recovered and analyzed. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), conducting its own investigation, will participate fully in the Marine Board of Investigation hearings. (4/27/16) [].
BSEE – decommissioning cost estimates
clip_image006 The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) issued a Notice to Lessees (NTL) providing guidance and clarification for the decommissioning rule for offshore oil and gas wells. Lessees are required to make determinations of decommissioning costs for each permanently plugged well, removed platform or facility and each site cleared so that the agency can properly prepare future decommissioning liability estimates. (4/28/16) []. Fonte: Dennis Bryant.

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